
4,767 suppliers
As of the end of the reporting period, LONGi had a total of

Findings and Corrections in the CSR due diligence

Category Percentage Findings Corrections
Labor rights 31% -Regular collection and feedback of employee complaints were not conducted. -Employees bear the pre-employment medical examination fee. -Improved the appeal mechanism by establishing an anonymous complaint channel for regular collection and feedback of employee complaints. -The medical examination fee incurred by the employee due to employment is borne by the employer.
Business ethics 1% Managers and relevant employees were not required to conduct regular self-inspections, nor were effective preventive and corrective measures developed based on self-inspection results. Enhanced the business ethics management system and established an internal self inspection and correction mechanism.
Environmental protection 5% -Lack of operation and maintenance records for waste gas and wastewater treatment facilities. -Chemical MSDS2 were not posted as required. -Established operation and maintenance records for waste gas and wastewater facilities. -Trains chemical management personnel to post MSDS as required.
Health and safety 48% -Fire protection facilities (such as fire extinguishers and fire hydrants) are not checked in time. -No medicine dispensing list prepared. -Improve the three-level responsibility system of safety management, comprehensively investigate the risk of fire protection system, and maintain the normal operation of the system. -Set up medicine dispensing management measures.
Management system 15% -Sub-suppliers' signing rate of the Supplier CSR Code of Conduct is less than 100% -Suppliers do not regularly carry out CSR risk assessment and classified management. -Required suppliers to monitor sub-suppliers and sign the CSR Code of Conduct of Suppliers. -Mandated suppliers to conduct CSR risk assessments and management to meet LONGi’s requirements.